Teacher —> Tech

Teacher —> Tech

How I became a Software Engineer


1 min read

One of my mentions from yesterday was I taught elementary for 4 years.

It’s true… The whole thing!

I taught 4-6th grade.

I did like teaching, but I didn’t love it.

Sure, there’s things I don’t like as a Software Engineer, but after a while I just found myself wanting more from a career.

Anyway, it all started when I began giving my students little coding challenges. I found myself wanting to do the exercises myself… then I started doing more on my own.

I began working on breaks and lunches, sharing my code with some friends that I knew who were already in the tech space, and eventually got my foot in the door in PaaS and Web Development and Design.

The key was networking for me.

I’m not sure about everyone else, but that’s what it was.

I was committed no matter what to this new game and finding my place in tech.

Even if it would have taken 5 years I think I still would have done all that I did to get where I am today (it took about 2 years to break into the field).

I just wanted to share where I came from. This is just a snapshot of the whole story.

And if you find yourself discouraged, DON’T GIVE UP.

You can do this.

Sincerely, Dom